2023 Sve vesti Vesti 31.01.2023

31.01.2023. U okviru sastanka, naša članica Natasa Pavlovic Bujas direktorka Blumen group je održala radionicu na temu Imposter sindrom: Kako nevoljno sabotiramo sami sebe. Prisutne članice su bili u prilici da se bolje upoznaju sa ovom temom, da prepoznaju imposter u svakodnevnim aktivnostima ali i nauče...

1.2014 29.01.2014

The first meeting of the Association of Business Women in Serbia in the new year, was held in the premises of the “Mihajlo Pupin” Institute. Subjects of this meeting were: Presenting the SBS programs (Small Business Support) of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in...