
1.2014 12.11.2014

Mrs. Lisa Brown, member of the ABW Serbia, hosted a wonderful afternoon event „Tea party at 5“ with H. E. the ambassador of GB for the Republic of Serbia Denis Keef and his wife Kate Keef and members of the ABW Serbia. The tea party was...

1.2014 10.11.2014

The Regional economic growth (REG) project "The development of women's entrepreneurship’’ implemented by HD European Consulting Group and Association of business women, financed by USAID, officially launched on November 5th by three day training that took place in IN Centre in Belgrade. The event was opened...

1.2014 21.10.2014

The Association of Business Women in Serbia had the great pleasure, and on October 21st hosted a small event in honor of Shirin Ebadi,  Nobel peace prize winner during her stay in Belgrade. Our estimated guest, through personal experiences and discussions with our colleagues, had the...