ABW Serbia Tag

2015 01.12.2015

The meeting of ABW Serbia Executive Board and Supervisory Committee was held at the Institute “MIhajlo Pupin”. The meeting attended all members of the both committees as well as two ABW members – experts for financial and commercial business.      On this occasion was discussed...

2015 18.11.2015

Association of Business Women in Serbia supported event on the occasion of the International Week of Tolerance, organized by Facility for children and youth with disabilities “Sremcica” on November 18th. On this occasion beneficiaries“Sremcica” performed ballet dance “Modus Vivendi” and the anthem of the Institution “My...

2015 30.10.2015

„And once again, It was my pleasure to attend the award ceremony „Success flower“ -  event organized by ABW Serbia. Positive energy, endless beauty and countless colors are additional motives and impulses for us fight and persevere, together, in these difficult times. Thank you very...

2015 29.10.2015

Association of Business Women in Serbia awarded for the 9th time the „Success Flower“ awards to the best women entrepreneurs in Serbia. The awards were granted during the gala award ceremony in Opera & Theatre “Madlenianum” in Belgrade. This year, 30 candidates from Serbia were shortlisted for...

2015 08.10.2015

Sanja Popovic Pantic, president of ABW Serbia, participated at the 4th international expert conference of the Danube business forum which was held in Novi Sad. Sanja took part in a panel discussion „Business and prosperity“ and spoke about the importance of women's entrepreneurship for economic development...