The Most Gender-Sensitive Company award was created as part of “Be equal in the value chain” project, which is jointly implemented by the Association of Business Women in Serbia, the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Serbia. 

The recognition is given to large companies that implement the 5th United Nations principle for the empowerment of women and that have provided the best model for the inclusion of women in supply chains.

The recognition of the most gender-sensitive company was awarded for the first time in 2018 as part of the Success Flower event

Delta Holding d.o.o.

The “Success Flower” event was supported from 2018 until today by the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Serbia, the Ministry of Economy, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank ( EIB), UN Women, USAID, Trag Foundation, Canadian-Serbian Business Association CANSEE, Impact Hub, SME Week, with corporate partners and the indispensable support of member companies of ABW Serbia and other friends of events and media partners.