Improving the position of women in the labor market in peripheral industrial regions – WIN

Improving the position of women in the labor market in peripheral industrial regions – WIN

January 2024 – June 2026



Improving the position of Women in the work markets of peripheral INdustrial regions – WIN is a European project financed from the interregional program of the Danube Region.

The Association of Business Women of Serbia started work on the project in January 2024, with a leading role in transnational networking for a more accessible, inclusive and effective integration of women in the labor markets of industrial regions on the periphery. ABW Serbia will implement pilot activities in Loznica through the implementation of a new model of economic empowerment of women in cooperation with the City of Loznica / Tourism Organization of the City of Loznica (TOGL).

The project will last for 30 months, ending in June 2026.

The main goal of WIN is to improve the position of women in the peripheral industrial regions, to open new employment opportunities for all women, and to break down cultural and institutional barriers that prevent women from realizing their professional potential.

Project activities:

1) Development of a critical and inclusive society (through the promotion of social innovations, capacity building of vulnerable groups, participation and encouragement of leadership, creation of new methods of education and media campaigns);

2) Strengthening the NGO sector (public advocacy, educational activities, networking activities);

3) International cooperation related to international challenges, aiming to create a common framework of activities.

The consortium consists of 10 partners from 7 countries: Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences (Slovenia), Arts and  Association for Culture and Education PiNA (Slovenia), University of Graz (Austria), Registered association Styrian Iron Road (Austria), LAG Sokolovsko (Czech Republic), Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary), Ministry of Economy Affairs of Herzeg-Bosnian Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Employment Office of Herzeg-Bosnian Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Association of Business Women in Serbia, strategic partner City of Loznica (Serbia), and National Management School (Bulgaria).

As well as of 8 ASP- Associated Strategic Partners: City of Loznica (Serbia), The Municipality of Trbovlje (Slovenia), Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Karlovy Vary Region (Czech Republic), Chamber of Economy of the Federation (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Federal Employment Office (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Radomir Municipality (Bulgaria), Erz & Eisen Ltd (Austria), The Hungarian Association for Innovation (Hungary).