association of business women in serbia Tag

2020 All News 18.12.2020

During November and December, several online meetings and free b2b events were organized within the Entrepreneurship European Network (EEN) in which some of the members of the Association of Business Women in Serbia participated, thus connecting with potential partners across Europe. By registering for these meetings, our...

2020 2020 All News 10.12.2020

The President the Association of Business Women in Serbia and the chairman of the Sector Group for Women's Entrepreneurship EEN, Dr. Sanja Popovic Pantic, today participated in the WE Gate Annual Summit, which was held online. WE Gate is a project funded by the European Commission...

Past projects Projects 07.12.2020

December 2020 - November 2021 (extended to 2022) PROJECT AIM: Better earnings perspective through vocational training for Roma women (returnees and non-returnees) and vulnerable women from the local community - from rural areas of Serbia. Respecting measures for prevention and suppression of the pandemic, THREE ONLINE TRAININGS are...

2019 All News 11.11.2019

Between 8th and 10th November 2019, this year's Freja Forum was held in Skopje at the premises of the Parliament of North Macedonia. The main topic of the forum was Democracy, Equal Opportunities and a Fair Digital Society, which is in someway continuation of the...