All News

1.2014 All News 22.12.2014

The traditional New Year's cocktail of the Association of Business Women in Serbia was held on December 22nd in pleasant ambient of "The English book" and in the presence of a large number of ABW members, as well as partners, friends and associates. Sanja Popovic Pantic, president...

1.2014 All News 19.06.2014

Topics of the regular ABW meeting regarded opening of the competition „Success Flower 2014“, followed with a presentation on the subject of micro-crediting and crediting of small businesses, as well as with a report from a conference of Balcan Women Coalition held in Bulgaria. Regular ABW...

1.2014 All News 23.05.2014

The Association of Business Women in Serbia on May 23rd organized in Backi Petrovac the first out of seven round tables on the subject "Draft Resolution on support of the National Assembly of Serbia to the development of women's entrepreneurship" and the workshop "Gender Budgeting". Round...

2013 All News 29.12.2013

According to the data from the Serbian Business Register Agency, during the 2013 in Serbia, businesses were far more often terminated than initiated. The Serbian Association of Employers warns that the 2014 will be even more difficult. On this subject, for RTS, further spoke Svetlana Mojic,...

2013 All News 26.12.2013

The Association of Business Women in Serbia organized New Year’s cocktail and celebrated the end of a very successful year for Association and its members. Sanja Popovic Pantic, president of the ABW, summarized achieved results and emphasized that in 2014. ABW will continue with a...

2013 All News 12.12.2013

At the regular meeting of ABW Serbia – Women's business club section, at the premises of „Bel Medic“ general hospital were summarized results of the past year and new projects were presented. Guests of this meeting were: Tatjana Prijic, Advisor to the Ministry of Labor, Employment...