association of business women in serbia Tag

2019 All News 29.05.2019

The winners of the Women's Economic Empowerment Program ’’I’m Bold’’ were presented at the Kombank Hall VIP Lounge. Six women entrepreneurial projects received donations totaling 4,200,000 dinars.  [gallery size="medium" columns="1" link="file" ids="4600"]...

2019 All News 14.05.2019

At the conference “The Power of SMEs - Encouragement and Growth of the Enterprise” took place at the Metropol Palace Hotel in the organization of TGE Group, on the challenges of securing financing and how to ease the way into new ventures, said the President...

2019 All News 25.04.2019

For the ninth consecutive year, the Association of Business Women in Serbia, as a pioneer in our country, celebrates the International Girls Day in ICT. The Association of Business Women in Serbia marked the International Girls 'Day in the information and communication technologies sector, this year...

2019 All News 28.03.2019

Voogle conference held for the fourth time in Varaždin For the fourth time, the 2019 Voogle Conference was held in Varaždin where entrepreneurs, business people, researchers and students had the opportunity to listen to lectures and participate in discussions on business ideas, building a global...