The fourth transnational meeting of partners of the WINnovators project (TPM) within the Erasmus+ program was held in Belgrade

The fourth transnational meeting of partners of the WINnovators project (TPM) within the Erasmus+ program was held in Belgrade


Another successful, fourth transnational project meeting of the WINnovators – Boosting entrepreneurial and STEM/STEAM capacity of young Women in higher education institutions for sustainable development and INnovation was held in Belgrade on June 19 and 20, 2024. The Association of Business Women in Serbia organized this TPM for seven partners from five countries, Estonia, Slovenia, Romania, Italy and Serbia, with whom it forms a consortium in this project.

Dragana Panajotovic, executive director of ABW Serbia, welcomed the partners. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Kai Pata, from the Tallinn University, Estonia, who is the lead partner on the project. It was also attended by Anastassia Skiperskaja, Project Assistant (Tallinn University), Dr. Matej Zapusek and Maja Kosmac (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Dr. Sonja Radenkovic and Dr. Marija Blagojevic (BADEN Network, Serbia), Emanuele Bertolani, Project Manager (Sinergie, Italy), Irina Florea-Saghin, Project Manager and Consultant (Iceberg, Romania), Jelena Vujicic, Project Assistant (ABW Serbia). Giuseppe Ursino, CEO of the organization VITECO, Italy, attended the meeting in Belgrade, while Alice Sardo Senior, Project Manager and Antonio Dalla Nora participated online.

With effective work and creative solutions, the results and progress so far were presented, including completed and ongoing activities related to the training of young women from rural areas and marginalized groups for entrepreneurship, through the online WINnovators platform. This platform provides a new perspective to learning, involving teachers and students.

The results of the first pilot within Module 1, as well as the ongoing second module, are very positive. Some participants have received subsidies and the opportunity to start their own business. Module 2, aimed at educators and stakeholders, such as professors, teachers, entrepreneurs, mentors, civil sector representatives and other policy makers, is also underway.

The main goal of the WINnovators project is the joint development and implementation of innovative approaches to learning, as well as concrete policies for building sustainable capacities in digital, entrepreneurial, STEM/STEAM innovations, supporting young women from rural areas, as well as female students.