Kick-off event of the WE. Circular project was held, dedicated to the dissemination and presentation of examples of good practice in empowering female entrepreneurs

Kick-off event of the WE. Circular project was held, dedicated to the dissemination and presentation of examples of good practice in empowering female entrepreneurs


The kick-off event of the WE. Circular project, dedicated to the dissemination and presentation of examples of good practice in empowering women entrepreneurs, was held on March 19 and 20 in Varna. As the project coordinator, the RAPIV organization hosted 15 partners from 12 countries (Serbia, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina), including the Association of Business Women in Serbia.

Boosting digital and industrial capacity for sustainable circular transition of women entrepreneurs in the Danube Region – WE. Circular is a European project co-financed from the Danube Region program, which deals with the improvement of digital and business skills of women entrepreneurs in the domain of industrial and circular transition, enabling training of key stakeholders in the application of smart business strategies.

During the first day, selected good practices of the Bulgarian partners (RAPIV and Varna Free University) and the Romanian partner – Impact Hub Bucharest were presented.

On the second day, the partners talked about the methodologies for conducting national and transnational analysis of needs and gaps, which will be applied within project activities. Lija Stojković, project manager of the Association of Business Women in Serbia, presented the Methodology for the formation of national stakeholder groups.