The kick-off meeting was held as part of the project Boosting digital and industrial capacity for sustainable circular transition of women entrepreneurs in the Danube Region – WE. Circular

The kick-off meeting was held as part of the project Boosting digital and industrial capacity for sustainable circular transition of women entrepreneurs in the Danube Region – WE. Circular


The kick-off meeting within the project Boosting digital and industrial capacity for sustainable circular transition of women entrepreneurs in the Danube Region – WE. Circular was held in electronic form on January 25. The meeting was attended by 15 partner organizations from 12 countries (Serbia, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina), including the Association of Business Women in Serbia. The focus of this gathering was on initial activities and planning the next steps.

WE. Circular is a European project financed from the interregional Danube Region program, which will be implemented in a period of 30 months, from January 2024 to June 2026.

WE. Circular appears as a response to the needs of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region through transnational activities aimed at: identifying the needs and challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in the digital and transition towards the circular economy; exchange of knowledge; circular economy policy measures in the Danube region – policy improvement and harmonization of the smart specialization strategy (3S) through the development of the Transnational Strategy for the WE Circular transition; innovative training programs to develop and improve digital and circular economy culture, and skills provided by the Learning Network; innovative circular business models for recycling, reuse and reduction to be developed and tested by WE. Circular laboratories that will enable the improvement of the skills of stakeholders in the harmonization of 3S; building the capacity of state institutions for the assessment of innovative circular business models and creating a framework for policy support for female entrepreneurs through the Transnational Learning Center.