A meeting of WIN Social Innovation Groups Coordinators was held

A meeting of WIN Social Innovation Groups Coordinators was held


The online meeting of the coordinators of national groups for innovation of the project Improving the position of Women in the work markets of peripheral INdustrial regions WIN, within the Interreg program of the countries of the Danube region, in which the Association of Business Women in Serbia is one of the partners, was held on December 5, 2024, with the presence of the main coordinator from Bulgaria, as well as coordinators from partner organizations from Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. Dragana Panajotović, Executive director of the Association of Business Women in Serbia and coordinator of the WIN national innovation group, participated in front of ABW Serbia.

The coordinators of each partner organization individually presented the work of their national innovation groups. In addition to numerous direct contacts and exchange of information, ABW Serbia organized an online meeting with members of the WIN national group, which brought a wide range of ideas for social innovations, which will enable a further intensive process of analysis and preparation, in order to implement several of the best ones as part of the pilot. The pilots will be implemented during the next year in the peripheral industrial regions of 7 partner countries, in Serbia, on the territory of the city of Loznica, an associated partner in this project.

The next meeting of the coordinators of the WIN innovation group is scheduled for January 28, 2025.