The International Girls in ICT Day was established at the level of the United Nations and is celebrated every fourth Thursday in April. Since 2001, when “Girls’ Day” was celebrated for the first time in Europe (Germany), more than a million girls have participated in this event.

The Girls in ICT Day aims to empower girls when choosing future professions, not to succumb to stereotypes, but to be guided by personal interests and talents.

The Association of Business Women in Serbia organized Girls’ Day for the first time on April 28, 2011.

In the past 14 years of celebrating the Girls in ICT Day, more than 11,200 girls have passed through the project of ABW Serbia, and the results show the interest of girls to recognize entrepreneurship as a possible future place of employment through this type of real meetings with entrepreneurs.

After the evaluation, 95% of the surveyed girls declared that they would like to be like the women they met that day, and half of them wrote that they would like to be directors like the entrepreneurs whose companies they visited.

U okviru Dana devojčica u IKT sektoru organizuju se:



  • Takmičenje za najbolji video rad „Uhvati ideju“ na kome učestvuju devojčice iz svih prijavljenih škola
  • Posete kompanijama – U nedelji obeležavanja međunarodnog Dana devojčica u IKT-u organizuju se grupne posete devojčica kompanijama koje se bave informaciono-komunikacionim tehnologijama, firmama u sektorima u kojima su žene manje zastupljene, onima čije su vlasnice žene, kao i članicama UPŽ Srbije. Kroz obilaske kompanija, susrete i razgovore sa preduzetnicama, vlasnicama firmi i menadžerkama, devojčice sagledavaju različite mogućnosti pri izboru buduće profesije izbegavajući rodne stereotipe.
  • Završna svečanost – Dodela nagrada za najbolje video radove.