Dr Jasmina Knežević

Dr Jasmina Knežević

contact: jasmina.knezevic@belmedic.com

Dr Jasmina Knezevic is the general manager of the first private general hospital in Belgrade “Bel Medic”. As a pediatrician – pulmonologist, she worked for 16 years in a hospital for pulmonary diseases. Dr. Jasmina is one of the founders of Childhood Asthma counseling program for doctors and parents of children with this disease.

Along with her husband, the director Milan Knezevic, she founded “Bel Medic” in 1995.

The European Movement in 2003 awarded Jasmina Knezevic with the award the Most European person, for her contribution to integration of the European idea in Serbia in the field of entrepreneurship. Dr. Jasmina Knezevic was awarded with the “Success Flower 2007” for the most European women’s company.