Balkan Women Coalition for Professional Qualification and Training in the field of Business and Economic Science” – B-Wco

Balkan Women Coalition for Professional Qualification and Training in the field of Business and Economic Science” – B-Wco

Project “Balkan Women Coalition for Professional Qualification and Training in the field of Business and Economic Science” – B-Wco  is developed between 8 countries from the Balkans (Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia and Albania) and is based upon a long term cooperation and work between organizations and non-governmental associations from the region that are trying to reach a common goal –  supporting the Women Business Qualification and competitiveness in the labor market.

Goal of this three year long project is strengthening the capacity of members of Balkan network of associations trough seminars, workshops and trainings for better cooperation on projects which EU has adopted for the period 2013-2020. Project promotes equal opportunities as well as new educational possibilities for post qualification. Project is implemented with the support of the European Union trough Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013).

The main idea of the project is to create a Balkan Coalition for cooperation education and post qualification of women and people with disabilities in the countries of the region. Project activities will be based on creating new contents and training concepts that will work on development of skills, knowledge and competences needed in the labor market. In this manner is contributed to the reinforcement of bond between skills obtained through education and needs of the labor market.

ABW Serbia its contribution to achieving the project objectives provided through active participation in workshops and seminars, through preparation of materials and presentations that are included in the platform for online learning. In addition, the Association of Business Women of Serbia actively disseminated information about the project among its members, so that as many women entrepreneurs get involved in the activities of the project – with the goal to empower women through the achievement of project objectives.

Achievement of project goals is accomplished through series of planned activities:

  • Establishment of Balkan Coalition between partner organizations
  • Conducting workshops (short educational programmes) for interactive learning, exchange of best practices, brainstorming and development of professional networks
  • Conducting seminars (interactive gatherings) with various entrepreneurial topics
  • Preparation, publishing and dissemination of informative and promotion materials
  • Continuous update of web page, with the aim to provide information to all who want to participate in Coalition’s activities
  • Development of E-learning platform – free educational material from seminars and workshops, followed with interactive work through webinars.